Spain's getting us dancing el Chiki-Chiki!

Wednesday 19 March 2008 | Labels: , , | |

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"Spain covers most of the Iberian peninsula. The country has many cultures. Basque, Catalan, Galician and Valencian are spoken in different regions, but Castilian Spanish is the official language. There are 19 regions with their own elected authoritites. There is a campaign for independence by the Basque country in the north, which has caused ongoing problems for the government. Spain is the world's second most popular tourist destination (after France) and has more than 50 million visitors every year. The fishing industry is one of the biggest in Europe but unemployment is high."

Whittaker's World of Facts - Russell Ash
Nathan's view
Thanks Spain for a few laughs this year! I am going to be (attempting) breakdancing, crossing legs, moonwalking and doing the robot come May so I'm looking forward to it! Erm, other than that all I can say is that it is a completely crap joke entry which could finish highly in the Final. I'm sure Hannah will have a bit more to say...!

Hannah's view
Oh god!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I HATE this song!!
The introduction is MASSIVELY long and boring, the man who sings this sounds (and probably is) deranged!! What is he ON!?!?!?!
I mean, el robocop? WHAT?!?
As you can see. I don't like this song. I doubt I ever will. Sorry. But that's life. Face it. Just do!!