No Angels? Germany certainly sent some!

Wednesday 12 March 2008 | Labels: , , | 0 comments |

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"Germany was divided after World War II. The Soviet Union and Poland claimed the East and the USA, UK and France controlled the West. The East became a Communist state and the West became a democracy. Thousands of East Germans fled to the West. The Berlin Wall was built in 1961 to close the border and stop the flow of people. The decline of the USSR led to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and Germany was reunited in 1990. Today 80% of Germany's people live in the West, and the effects of Communism are still felt in the East."

Whitaker's World of Facts - Russell Ash

Hannah's view
Germany entry sung by No Angels is a very good song. The lyrics are quite touching and the rhythm and beat of the song are really good. Its quite upbeat and very 'girl groupish' in the chorus and has a really nice slow section in the middle.
I really like this entry. Its an excellent chance for Germany, as this is their best girl band. I have only one concern. The music is too good. I have an awful feeling also, that it will not get any votes on the fact of the country's positioning. But, I will not let this get me down and neither should anyone else who loves this song! Its a great piece of music and I wish it well!

Nathan's view
Disappear is a very good entry for Germany, however I expect it to score low due to Germany's positioning in Europe. The song itself is a nice ballad, but not as good as Dima Bilan's Believing (Russia). It has a nice rhythmic beat and the chorus is very singable. No Angels are Germany's best girl group so I think they will be slightly upset if they didn't finish in the top half. If Europe suddenly stops voting politically I think this song would finish in the top 10.

Irelande Nil Pointe... Certainly not Douze!

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"Ireland was divided in the 1920s, when 26 counties in the south gained independence from the United Kingdom. Since then there has been conflict in Northern Ireland between those who want to remain part of the United Kingdom and those who want a united, independent Ireland. Since Ireland joined the European Community in 1973 it has become a modern, high-tech nation with successful industry. It began using the Euro in January 1999, along with ten other nations."

Whittaker's World of Facts - Russell Ash
Hannah's view
Well... wow! Dustin the Turkey. Its hard to sum this one all into one word.
When you first hear it, its like Marmite. You love it, or you hate it. In my case, i hated it but it made me laugh. It was a comedy entry and the starting line just contradicted the whole song! 'I come from a land that knows who to write a good song...' And this is the land that produced a song screamed by a puppet of a turkey?!
But, after a while, the beat and catchy chorus does start to grow on you. 'Irelande Douze Point' - say it very Englishly pronouncing it all... Also the random quips and comments like, 'Terry Wogan's wig!' and 'We're sorry for Riverdance'. It certainly made me and Nathan laugh, i dont know about anyone one else.
This entry is very controversial and i expect there will be a lot of debate about this one!

Nathan's view
Wow! Ireland! I mean, its a joke entry? From Ireland? Eurovision's best country? It's a good one at that! I love it. It's really grown on me and the chours is fantastic! The comments that Hannah stated above really do make us laugh and I think it will do really well. I know it's odds on to win and I believe it will... Dublin get ready! We're coming to party!

Oh Andorra!

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"Andorra is a small principality (a state ruled by a prince), which dates from 1278. It lies in the mountains between France and Spain. Tourism is its main industry, but financial services are also becoming important."

Whittaker's World of Facts - Russell Ash
Hannah's view
What can I say except I love it!!
Nathan played it to me, and I INSTANTLY loved the song! Its upbeat, catchy and so dancy! You feel like you want to just get up and dance or sing along or something! Or is that just me...?
I really like this song (as you can tell) and I hope it does well in the final, because it will reach the final. This is not its kiss of death.

Nathan's view
One of my early favourites but has sunk recently. It gets a bit boring after a while but at first it really makes you want to dance and sing along. I don't think it will get out of the Semis.

San Marino? Where's That?!

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"San Marino is entirely surrounded by Italy and it is the third smallest state in Europe. The tiny republic attracts about three million tourists every year. San Marino's inhabitants (known as Sammarinese) enjoy the world's sixth highest income per person."

Whitaker's World of Facts - Russell Ash

Hannah's view
I personally do not like this song. I think that the music is that of a rock song and the lyrics are from a ballad and have had to be adapted for this song. I dont like the voice of this band and I feel that this will not do well in Belgrade.

Nathan's view

I like it. I have very much the opposite opinion of Hannah. I like the way it all fits together and as Italian normally does well in Eurovision, the most recent song I can think of is TornerĂ² (Romania 2006), I expect this song to get through the Semi Finals and then get a mid table position in the Final.