Irelande Nil Pointe... Certainly not Douze!

Wednesday 12 March 2008 | Labels: , , | |

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"Ireland was divided in the 1920s, when 26 counties in the south gained independence from the United Kingdom. Since then there has been conflict in Northern Ireland between those who want to remain part of the United Kingdom and those who want a united, independent Ireland. Since Ireland joined the European Community in 1973 it has become a modern, high-tech nation with successful industry. It began using the Euro in January 1999, along with ten other nations."

Whittaker's World of Facts - Russell Ash
Hannah's view
Well... wow! Dustin the Turkey. Its hard to sum this one all into one word.
When you first hear it, its like Marmite. You love it, or you hate it. In my case, i hated it but it made me laugh. It was a comedy entry and the starting line just contradicted the whole song! 'I come from a land that knows who to write a good song...' And this is the land that produced a song screamed by a puppet of a turkey?!
But, after a while, the beat and catchy chorus does start to grow on you. 'Irelande Douze Point' - say it very Englishly pronouncing it all... Also the random quips and comments like, 'Terry Wogan's wig!' and 'We're sorry for Riverdance'. It certainly made me and Nathan laugh, i dont know about anyone one else.
This entry is very controversial and i expect there will be a lot of debate about this one!

Nathan's view
Wow! Ireland! I mean, its a joke entry? From Ireland? Eurovision's best country? It's a good one at that! I love it. It's really grown on me and the chours is fantastic! The comments that Hannah stated above really do make us laugh and I think it will do really well. I know it's odds on to win and I believe it will... Dublin get ready! We're coming to party!