Day After Day Azerbaijan Continue To Stun Us

Saturday 22 March 2008 | Labels: , , | |

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"Azerbaijan regained its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The country has rich mineral resources as well as oil and natural gas. However, conflict and corruption have kept it from developing a healthy economy."

Whittaker's World of Facts - Russell Ash
Hannah's view
Oh. My. Word. This is SOOOOO weird. The starting is an amazingly high pitched, creepily sung piece of 'opera' by an equally creepy man. Even though these artists are singing in English, you wouldnt be able to guess it as they sing in an, almost unnatural, way which makes the song seem scary. Something you'd find playing in a goth's bedroom; not Eurovision.
I do not like this song and I doubt it will do well in the finals, that's if it gets there. Bad first year Azerbaijan!

Nathan's view
I can tell you that Hannah doesn't think it's bad... we think it's worse but although we have freedom of speech on the Internet, we're not going to express it... Erm... Yeah... I can't actually tell you what I think about this. I'd have to censor it. Yeah it's bad... No it's worse than bad... There actually isn't a word you can use to describe this song. Let's leave it at that. And I'm never lost for words so... y'know this song has to be bad... or, as I've said, worse.