Era Stupendo? It still is Switzerland!

Saturday 22 March 2008 | Labels: , , | |

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"Switzerland is the most mountainous country in Europe. The Alps occupy 60% of its land area. It has a very high income per person, low unemployment and its people have a long life expectancy. Switzerland was not involved in either World War and has not joined the European Union."

Whittaker's World of Facts - Russell Ash
Hannah's view
As Nathan is constantly reminding me; this year could be called 'The Year of the Ballad'. This is definitely true in the Swiss entry's case. Normally, I don't go in for ballads, I hated Serbia's entry last year; but I really like Era Stupendo. I think this is because it's not like a normal ballad which continually drones on about how life is awful.
Although this is in Italian and I cant understand it, i love the music. It starts off like a ballad, very slow and beautiful, but then the tempo picks up a quickish beat is introduced, making it feel a lot more exciting than your traditional ballad. It is also sung well and in tune by Paolo. Like this song; definitely one of the better ballads.

Nathan's view
I think the reason we both like this song is because although it's a ballad, it's a pop ballad! It's upbeat so yeah, like Norway, we like this ballad. As I have said time and time again this is 'The Year of the Ballad' so you have to have a special ballad to stand out and I'm sure that, again like Norway, Switzerland will stand out. They are almost guaranteed points from San Marino if this song reaches the final, cause it's in Italian!