Hold on Norway... and Be Strong!

Monday 31 March 2008 | Labels: , , | |

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"Norway is famous for its fjords. The population is small and has a very good standard of living, thanks to the country's plentiful natural resources. Only Russia and Saudi Arabia export more oil than Norway, and it is the world's biggest exporter of seafood."

Whittaker's World of Facts - Russell Ash
Hannah's view
I think this artist got it in one; 'You might be saying "Why Me?"' I am. This song holds no interest for me. I find it quite boring.
The music is repetitive and doesn't really change from verse to chorus. I find that annoying that there is no real distinguishing point between the two.
An upside to this song though is the fact that it's catchy. Anyone will be able to remember, 'Hold on, hold on, be strong.'
It is boring, but ok in some places; it's a mixed bag from me. It grows on you I guess...

Nathan's view
I love it. It was my early favourite and I still believe it will do well, as it is one of the better ballads. The repetitiveness will do the country well and I can see it gaining a top half position in the Final. Hold on Norway... We may just be coming there next year!