Zauvijek Volim Te Montenegro!

Monday 31 March 2008 | Labels: , , | |

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"Montenegro was a former part of Yugoslavia and became independent from Serbia in 2006. It is now a full member of the United Nations and, although not a member of the European Union, it has adopted the Euro as its national currency."

Whittaker's World of Facts - Russell Ash
Hannah's view
I like this song. Its upbeat to start and then slows slightly. I think the genre and the way the artist delivers the song is very good.
I like the lyrics of the song - if you had just read them and not actually heard the song, you would have thought those lyrics belonged to a ballad, but they managed to put it into a pop song; and I think they've done a good job!
The only thing that slightly annoys me is that this song reminds me of Austria's entry last year, 'Get A life, Get Alive'

Nathan's view
Sounds like a pop version of 'Ajde, Kroči! It's ok but to be honest, it's not the greatest. We all know that countries from former Yugoslavia normally do well, but do better with a good song. I think this will do well because of it's political relations and because it's a good pop song.