Vânia is Portugal's Senhora do Mar

Monday 31 March 2008 | Labels: , , | |

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"Portugal lies to the west of Spain on the Iberian peninsula. It is one of the European Union's least developed countries and has the highest number of people working on the land. Portugal's economy has grown rapidly since it joined the European Union in 1986. Tourism is one of its fastest growing industries. Portugal once had a vast empire, stretching across the Americas, Africa and Asia. Over 177 million people worldwide speak Portuguese."

Whittaker's World of Facts - Russell Ash
Hannah's view
This is another ballad. I find it boring but not something you'd be able to sleep to, especially with Vânia's AMAZING vocals! She has a very powerful voice but is also able to sing calmly and softly.
This is a ballad that seems to tell a story and after reading the English translation, it seems slightly suicidal. It talks about a man who is no longer there, and the singer is appealing to 'The Lady of the Sea'. Perhaps the man drowned? I don't know... All I know is that this woman has talent!

Nathan's view
I'll admit it's a good ballad, not amazing, but good. I would fall asleep to it. It's boring but, as Hannah said, Vânia keeps you awake. The lyrics work well in English and it's one of the only songs which really means something this year. But, for me, Portugal are going to be disappointed again this year.